Girls SSE Wildcats Football Centre

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5 to 11 years old ?

Come and join us at Rugby Town Girls SSE Wildcats Football Club, FREE 2 weeks coaching and then only £2 per week, options to join teams or just coaching after 2 weeks.

Every Friday 6pm to 7pm

With: Qualified FA coaches, Young Leaders from older teams coaching

Have fun, make friends, play football

From 5 years old to 11 years old, every Friday 6pm to 7pm. Our SSE Wildcats club is run in conjunction with Birmingham FA & utilises qualified coaches. In partnership with SSE, supporters of girls football participation & sponsor of the SSE Women’s FA Cup.

A fun filled session provided in a safe environment where girls with little or no football experience can have fun engaging with sport, develop fundamental skills, learn new things & create foundations for a lifelong love of sport. The emphasis is firmly on FUN.

Rugby Town Girls FC

Kilsby Lane


CV21 4PN