NTFC Girls Football and Education Open Evening

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Would you like a career in the Sports Industry?

Would you like the opportunity to combine your full-time post-16 education with a programme of work experience opportunities and training and playing opportunities in a professional sports club environment?

We’re looking for the next generation of talented sports industry professionals to join us on our full-time post-16 education programme at Northampton Town Football Club.

What is it? A full-time education programme for 16-18 year olds, that combines a high quality, formal education qualification with a programme of Sports Industry specific work experience and playing opportunities in the English Colleges League or the FA National Youth Development League.

What qualifications could I get? Those with the equivalent of 5 A*-C GCSE’s including Maths and English, can achieve a Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sport (Performance & Excellence) over 2 years. Those with less than the equivalent of 5 A*-C GCSE’s, can achieve a Level 3 Diploma or Subsidiary Diploma over 2 years or a Level 2 Diploma in Sport over 1 year and then move on to the 2 year qualification.

Vocational Qualifications such as Level 1 and 2 Coaching qualifications

What exit pathways are there?

–        University – The Level 3 Extended Diploma qualification is equivalent to 3 A Levels and worth up to 420 UCAS points.

–        Bespoke Undergraduate Degree and HND opportunities with NTFC and principal partner The University of Northampton

–        Higher Education linked Internships

–        Apprenticeships – PE and School Sports Apprenticeship opportunities with NTFC, and other external coaching apprenticeship opportunities.

–        Employment in the Sports Industry

–        Playing opportunities – linking talented players into the FA Player Centres and the England National Pathway or US Soccer Scholarship opportunities.

Other information – The programme runs from the Northampton Town Education Centres at Sixfields Stadium Campus and St Crispin’s Campus (10 minute walk from Sixfields Stadium).

Contact – Head of Education: Jean Limpitlaw on 01604 759864 or jean.limpitlaw@ntfc.co.uk for more information or the opportunity to discuss individual options in more detail.

Next Open Evening 27th February 2018 at 6:00pm at the Northampton Town Football Club, Sixfields Stadium, Upton Way, Northampton, NN5 5QA