Rugby Town Women FC is thrilled to announce a new sponsor, Melbros !

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Great news for RTGWFC as we welcome another club sponsor. Melbros has kindly provided sponsorship to Rugby Town Women FC, which will be used to provide full training kit for the Women’s team for the 22/23 season.

“We’re delighted to support the club, help with its development and give something back to the community. Having seen the game grow firsthand over the past 20 years,  we are thrilled to be able to contribute to the continued success of the female game “said Neil Melvin from Melbros. ”

After England’s success in the Euros this summer, there is no better time to get involved in women’s and girls’ football”

Rugby Town Women FC provides part of the pathway at the club for girls to join at 5 years old and continue through to open-aged football.


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